When did I fall for him? All of a sudden without any forewarning?
I stare at him. Even when he notices.
I look him straight in the eyes. It's like a game with no words: Who turns away first? Usually I'm the winner.
I feel as if he would see right into my soul. Strangely I don't feel wounded. No, not at all. It does me good.
And then - surprisingly - God answers my prayers.
Him and me alone in a room. His whole attention up on me and mine on him. Pure intimacy as I didn't know it.
All I notice is his voice.
And again I catch myself staring at him.
Eye contact. Now and then he looks away.
His hand on my shoulder. Words coming out of his mouth. I keep looking.
He pauses for a moment, his eyes now resting on my lips. What is he waiting for? Should I say something?
I try to concentrate. What was he just talking about? I've lost track...
I sit opposite of him.
Minutes turn into eternity.
His face is so close that I can even feel his breath. I back off a bit.
Out of the corner of my eye I can see his hand on my shoulder. A warm feeling, but almost unbearable.
His eyes now seem to be drilling through me.
I get up and so does he.
His hand on my upper arm. Holding on tight.
Enough now!
Our eyes meet again.
I break loose from him. Walk down the hallway.
I hear him calling out for me.
I grab the doorhandle. Then I glance back at him for one last time.
Just seconds ago we were so close to each other and now he's just a vague silhouette at the other end of the room.
How gorgeous he looked in his black shirt and his blue-jeans.
But I managed to break away. I am stronger!

My strides become faster. And while I'm running away, I feel the pain of unendurable desire in my chest.
And I have to realize: It's too late. I've already fallen for him...