I must have first heard that expression when I was a little girl.
Knights in shining armour would often play an important part in fairytales.
I drew pictures of them.
Tall, well-shaped men with shoulder-length hair that would either be blowing in the wind or be hidden underneath an iron helmet.
My knights would wear silver armour or sometimes when I couldn't find a silver crayon in the messy drawer of my desk, the lucky man would even be honoured with golden gear.
I was usually so kind to draw them a pretty horse; a stallion white as snow with the blackest eyes and strong legs that could carry the knight to faraway lands.
And of course my knights would always be armed with a sword and hold a shield in one hand to protect the princess from all the evil in this world.

I sometimes look for my knight in shining armour.
From time to time I spot one, but would be devastated when realizing he was someone else's knight already.
But when I think about it; the knight doesn't necessarily have to be a male.
You can find one in any person, if you just change the way you look at people and try to appreciate simple gestures.
Like a smile in the morning.
A helping hand in need.
An arm around your shoulder when you're sad.
A voice that gently guides you out of the darkness and back into the light of life.
And try being good to others.
Be the smile that can make someone's day.
Be the hand that softly wipes away tears of desperation.
Be the gentle voice that speaks of hope.
Be the friend on whom one can depend.
You'll be surprised that even you can be a knight in shining armour. Or at least a kind-hearted human being in jeans and a t-shirt. And even without the sword and shield you might be able to save someone.

my dear Feli,
AntwortenLöschenthanks for letting me know about your blog.
how are you doing?
will you come for a visit this summer?
i hope you know that YOU are MY knightess in shining armour! :)
i miss you loads.
Hi Caoimhe!!
AntwortenLöschenThank you for visiting my blog.
I'm grand. Spending quite a lot of time in football stadiums these days. :-)
I do hope I can travel to Dublin this summer. Would be great to see a couple of familiar faces! But I'm not sure yet when that would be. If I get a job in Ireland, I might be back pretty soon and stay on.
How are you? So when is the biiiig holiday coming up?
Miss you too.