I guess that makes the 22nd of august 1987 the day on which my poor Mum had to endure the pain that giving birth can cause. (Not that I would know what it feels like...)
If you ask me, it should be her celebrating that day and not me. I was just a new-born baby doing what babies do best: Nothing much at all. I was unable to think or move properly, so all I did was listening to my mother's screams and waiting until I came into this world. The credit should really go to my Mum.
I sometimes feel like a big child that is unsure about its identity.
About 3 weeks ago I went to Europa Park (Germany's biggest adventure park) and I didn't like it any less than on my first visit when I was about 10 years old. I giggled with my friends, ate waffles, chips and ice cream and shivered with excitement when queuing for Europe's highest and fastest steel rollercoaster; the famous SilverStar. I wonder what the other people must have been thinking of me. They might saw a grown-up retard in me, who knows. But whatever, luckily for me they were probably all too busy with enjoying themselves.

Many people didn't understand why I had to do what I did. To them I was just a naive teenage girl that stupidly believed her summer holiday flirt really cared about her.
Now that I'm 5 years older (and I guess I can say 5 years wiser too) I'm confident that my runner was the best thing which could have happened to me.

Sadly, I'm still without a degree. Other young people my age have their High School degree and are preparing for their final exams at college or university. The future doesn't look too bright for a young Swiss woman without a degree of any kind (I finished secondary school, but I guess it doesn't count...), so I've started a course for adults at the vocational school in St. Gallen and I really hope to recieve my degree (Eidg. Fähigkeitsausweis Kauffrau) in spring 2012. Busy times ahead, but I guess I will do fine. I have to; because this is my second chance to make something of my life and I better don't screw it up.
Something else I want to say is: Whatever you do in your life; in the end it's only the beautiful moments that count. It's well known that we just have this one precious life and we shouldn't waste any time regretting the mistakes we might have done in the past. Nobody's perfect.
I've lived on Fuerteventura, in Ireland and in Berlin. I met loads of great people who touched my heart. Most of these people I will probably never see again, because they have all moved on. But I worship every conversation I could share with them.
I've never earned a lot of money and I don't think I'll ever get rich. I'm just not the type. And I'm definitely not lucky enough to win the lottery one day. But so far, I've always managed to get by. As long as we are at ease with ourselves, we are invincible.
Of course I have my dreams, as most of us have them. Since many years it is my greatest wish to travel across South America. This continent with its breathtaking landscape and its open-hearted people has been fascinating me for quite some time now. But should I ever head off on this adventure, I will probably be gone for a very long time - if not forever. Until that day, I have to work hard and save some money. Or who knows if I might meet another lovely South American man who literally sweeps me off my feet and takes me with him. Yeah, that would be nice. :-)

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