So the other night before falling asleep I decided to say a little prayer. I had just applied for a great job and thought it could be helpful to make up an own prayer instead of saying the "Our father wich art in Heaven" (Vater Unser) as I usually do it every night in bed.
"Dear God,
I've just applied for my dream job.
I promise that if you make me getting that job, I will never complain again.
I will completely stop being evil and mean.
I won't spit my chewing gums out and onto the streets of our city anymore.
I will help and support the poor in this world. And I will forever fight against crime and for justice.
I'd do anything to get that job, believe me!
Except for...ehm.....joining the Swiss Socialist Party. That would be too much 'goodwill'.
I'd rather sleep under a bridge for the rest of my life...or marry Christoph Blocher.
So you see, it came out a bit silly... :-/ I guess that in the future I will just stick to the "Our father wich art in heaven" and hope that God will hear me one day before I've grown old (and grey!). ;o)
(PS: I only realized afterwards: Ehrm Feli, with what money are you going to support the poor in this world, please?!")
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