There's nothing worse than leaving someone you still love.
I knew I was in love with this place on our earth when I felt free and relieved as soon as the plane I was on landed at this particular place.
And later on the bus journey I suddenly felt tears streaming down my face whilst looking out the window. I was crying because never before in my life I had seen so much beauty at once.
Nothing else seemed to matter as long as I was there. The pure happiness helped me forgetting all the evil in this world; it made me care-free. I wouldn't even have minded dying.
Being there made me strong, so that nothing or nobody could harm me. Except for the love an other human being felt for me.
Sadly that's what made me leave in the end. Some people just can't stand the thought of open their heart; let someone else want, need, love and trust them. It makes us go away. Even if the pain of parting is unbearable. And will - sooner or later - destroy us.
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