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Sonntag, 21. März 2010

Raclette Pizza

Most families, couples and singles in Switzerland have an electric table-top grill with small pans at home. It's a modern way of serving the famous dish "Raclette".
But you can actually use this Raclette grill for making tiny little Pizzas! :-) We only use homemade pizza dough in our house; same goes for the tomato sauce. Everybody can choose their individual toppings. I prefer a simple Pizza Margarita. So I pour a little olive oil into the Raclette pan to make it greasy. I then take a bit of the pizza dough and press it flat into the Raclette pan. Tomato sauce, Mozzarella cheese and some Oregano is all I put on top. Such a tiny pizza takes approx. 15 minutes until it is ready to eat. But it depends on how thick the base is. For a real crispy base you should put the Pizza on top of the grill before enjoying it.

Bon appétit! :-)

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